Board Certified Minimal Incision Foot and Ankle Surgery by American Board Of Medical Specialties in Podiatry
In-Office Minimal Incision Hammertoe Procedures
Podiatrist, Hammertoe Surgeon in Hudson/Bayonet Point, FL
Dr. Kales Can Help With Your Hammertoe Treatment
Minimally Invasive Hammertoe Surgery Specialist in Hudson/Bayonet Point & Spring Hill can help you.
A hammer toe is a toe that is curled due to a bend in the middle joint. It may cause you pain and discomfort when moving the toes or walking. The toe may take on a claw-like appearance. You may also develop corns or calluses as the toe is rubbing within your shoes.
CAUSES: It can be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight or high heels. It may be caused from an injury to the toe or even from diseases the effect the nerves and muscles such as arthritis and strokes. The toes may be forced against the shoe causing an unnatural bending of the toe.
TREATMENT: Our Hammertoe Specialist will evaluate your feet. We may decide to do an X-Ray. We will treat you conservatively and discuss with you your options to alleviate the hammertoe.
Make an appointment with Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, Dr. Lawrence Kales can help you find relief from hammertoes.
Is Minimally Invasive Hammertoe Surgery Right For Me?
Dr. Lawrence Kales uses Minimally Invasive Surgery to Correct Hammertoes.
Discover a New Minimally Invasive Solution For Your Hammertoes
If left untreated over a long period of time, flexible toe joints can stiffen and become rigid toe joints stuck in the curled position. When the hammertoe has become more painful and rigid, or when an open wound has developed, hammertoe surgery may be considered.
Dr. Lawrence Kales will take into consideration the extent of your deformity, your age, the number of toes involved, your activity level, and other factors.
Dr. Kales will decide the best recovery options for you. The length of the recovery period will vary, depending on the procedure(s) performed. It is always our objective to get our patients back to work quickly, back to the recreational activities they love and to restore the quality of life that they deserve. Schedule a consultation with Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle for a complete evaluation of your hammertoe condition.